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Шифр Season 1 Episode 1 : Episode 1
8/10 by 2 users
Title:The Ciphers
Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery
Air Date: 2019-03-11
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 1
Overview: Moscow, 1956. Four women who are tied by the military past: work in the special department of the GRU, 11 years later converge again to conduct investigations and help the investigating authorities in especially complicated cases. With phenomenal analytical skills, Irina, Anna, Sophia and Katerina risk themselves, as well as the well-being of their own families, in order to get on the trail of criminals who threaten the lives of ordinary people and the whole country. Cipher is a Russian television detective based on the British mini-series The Bletchley Circle. The working title of the series is "The Ciphers". The series is produced by Sony Pictures Television, Lean-M and the Pobeda Production Association. The premiere of the television series took place on March 11, 2019 on Channel One.
Stars: Maryana Spivak (Зимина Ирина, математик), , Elena Panova (Свиридова Екатерина, руководитель группы, бывший полковник), , Ekaterina Vilkova (Дорофеева Анна), , Yana Dyubui (Теплицкая Софья), , Sergey Puskepalis (Проскурин), , Oleg Gaas (Ким Вершинин), , Sergey Medvedev (Миша, сын Зиминых), , Vitaliya Kornienko (Таня, дочь Зиминых), , Andrey Moskvichov (нач. Отдела кадров), , Maksim Bityukov (Вениамин, бывший муж Катерины), , Nikolay Tokarev (Алексей Зимин), , Svetlana Kolpakova (Владлена, Судмедэксперт), , Yekaterina Vulichenko (Рита), , Darya Mingazetdinova (Авиа), , Kseniya Popovich (Лида, дочь Катерины), , Svetlana Toma (Зинаида Ивановна), , Lyubov Rudneva (зав. библиотекой), , Sergey Popov (Пётр Натанович), , Maxim Stoyanov (), , Sofya Khilkova (), , Aleksey Kolgan (),